How long can an olive tree live?

Nothing lives forever, but olive trees can be some of the oldest trees in the world. Indeed, an olive can live for up to 4,000 years .... Which is quite unbelievable. However, most olive trees will "only" live for around 500 years.

The first 7 to 8 years are about establishing a solid root system and canopy, after which point it will begin fruit production. It is only when the olive tree reaches 65-80 years that it will have stable yields. Until then, it will most likely produce heavily one year, then rest the next one to focus on its grow.

Our olive trees can be considered juvenile as they are only 16 years old {second picture } while the one we have in our country house in Provence were planted by my great grand father in the late 1800s, over 120 years ago {1st picture}. With the years, olive tree trunks always takes these amazing and intriguing shapes and twists.

We will certainly be looking forward to see our trees change and mature as the years will come by ... and that's a beautiful thing.


Photo Credit: Chateau de Luz

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